Call for abstracts

Abstract Submission Guidelines

You are invited to submit your work until 30.04.2024, under the format of a structured abstract to SRM2024.
The abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of SRM2024 in a peer-review double blinded process that will select the abstracts accepted and those selected either for poster presentation or for oral presentation.

All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference website.
The registration in the congress is mandatory to at least one author. If the abstract is selected for oral presentation, then the speaker needs to be registered in the congress.
The submission of the abstract must include the following:

  • Abstract title

  • Author’s details (Full name, affiliation)

  • Abstract body with a maximum of 250 words. Do not include title or authors.

Do not use the word “Abstract” at the beginning. Use LINE BREAKS only at the end of a paragraph.

The structure of a scientific abstract should be:

  • Introduction

  • Materials and Methods

  • Results

  • Conclusions

The submitted abstracts should respect the themes selected by this year’s Scientific Committee, including:

  • Digital pathology and artificial intelligence

  • Dermatopathology

  • Urinary system and male genital pathology

  • Gastro intestinal pathology

  • Cerebrovascular diseases

  • Young reseachers

  • Varia

The first 3 best presentations from Young researchers will be awarded. The selection of the winners will be made by the chairmen's session, taking into account: the relevance of the presented work; the presenter's experience in conveying messages and engaging the audience, the clarity and accuracy of the presentation, and the impact on medical practice of the presentation. The winners will be announced after the session break.

On behalf of the Scientific Committee of SRM2024,
Claudiu Mărgăritescu (Congress President)

Abstract submission for SRM 2024 is open.

Submit your abstract before 30.04.2024.